[[:home|Home]]\\ [[:acinfo|Up]] Don't forget to fill in the blanks after "Dear ," and "in the area of ." And don't forget to sign it too. ----- Dear , I've agreed to be an area chair for RSS 11, and have been asked to recruit program committee (PC) members to review submissions. Would you be willing to review papers in this area for RSS 11? I would be counting on you to review several papers in the area of . ( And if you have already been contacted by another area chair and agreed to review for them, do not say "yes" to me unless you want a double reviewing load.) The program chair (Nick Roy) is planning on an absolute worst case of 5 papers per reviewer. (The worst case scenario is 300 submissions; RSS 2010 had 224 submissions, a 40% growth from 2009). At the end of this message is the timeline for the review process. The review process is fairly tight, so it is vital that you respect the deadlines. I will also be counting on you to write a high quality review and to be active in the discussions of the papers. If you have any questions regarding the responsibilities of a PC member, please get in touch. Hopefully, your experiences with RSS in the last couple of years means that you know that the reviewing process is enjoyable, given the review discussion and rebuttal phases. Thanks, = = = = = = = = = = \\ The key dates are:\\ = = = = = = = = = = \\ Jan 10 Abstracts due\\ Jan 17 Paper deadline\\ Jan 30 Reviews are assigned\\ Feb 28 Reviews due, discussion begins\\ Mar 7 Discussion ends\\ Mar 7 Author rebuttal begins\\ Mar 14 Author rebuttal ends, reviewers answer to rebuttals\\ Mar 21 Discussion period ends\\ Apr 15 Acceptance announced\\ Jun 27 RSS in Los Angeles \\