Table of Contents


#####RSS 2011 Reviewer Instructions#####

Key dates

Please be guided by this schedule, not the deadlines listed by CMT. All CMT deadlines are listed as 12/25/25. The CMT deadline is the time at which CMT turns off access to parts of the system. In the course of the discussion and the acceptance decisions, the area chairs may ask your (the reviewer) to clarify a point in your review. This cannot happen after the CMT deadline. To allow revisions to rebuttals or the discussion, we put the CMT deadlines to a point substantially in the future after the acceptances are announced.

CMT Instructions

Detailed Review Instructions

All RSS papers should be solid scientific papers, regardless of their specific area. We judge the merit of a paper based on six criteria:

  1. Technical Strength;
  2. Quality of Evaluation;
  3. Significance/Relevance;
  4. Clarity;
  5. References to Prior work
  6. Novelty.

For each criterion you have to assign an a rating. Below we provide a detailed explanation of the different criteria and ratings. While all criteria are important, we want to encourage technically strong and rigorously evaluated papers, and therefore would like you to pay special attention to the first two criterion. However, unlike a journal, a conference needs to be a venue for papers that are contain preliminary experimental work or preliminary theoretical results. In any case, your review should be constructive (that is: aimed to improve the paper) and thorough. For each of the criteria, you should provide detailed comments justifying the evaluation along with suggestions for improving the paper. Furthermore, please provide specific information on which issues you would like the authors to address in their rebuttal.

Comments to avoid:

Guidance on the meaning of the criteria and their numerical scores (Thanks to Dieter Fox).

General Guidelines for Reviewers

(Notes and guidelines thanks to Oliver Brock and Greg Dudek.)